Monday, November 12, 2007

I get paid for this...

Well...I don't get paid to blog. I am, however, getting paid while I blog. There's a long story about my current job situation, which has changed dramatically since my last post, and I'm not going to tell it. Deal with it. But the general idea is that I have done maybe, MAYBE a total of 30 minutes of work in the last two weeks...maybe that much. That won't last much longer, but its killer while it does.

I've read about new developments with M-theories, new Biblical interpretations, new astronomical discoveries, researched Supreme Court rulings on income tax(which, Tim, I'm sorry to say have held that income from labor is not a direct tax and have held such since the early 1800's) and brushed up on my algebra and statistics. And yes, I am that big of a nerd. I figured I might as well do something a little productive with all this free-time. While my coworkers are busy watching the stupidest, most mind-numbing videos and setting up their booty calls and other frivilous activities, I've used my free time to learn. I am such a better person than they are. I'm probably a better person than you are...mainly because I got paid to do it.