Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Other Side of the Coin

Its interesting to experience the other side of the coin...more pertinent, to see and experience someone's reaction when the coin is mutual and you're both getting the other side. People always assume that they're rational and that the way they see it is the way it should be. And few - very, very few - even realize when its the other side of the coin that just flipped up and smacked 'em in the again, they think that they're being rational...even though their actions and points-of-view are often contradictory to their reactions to the first side. Hmmm...does hypocrisy rely on conscious acknowledgement of contradictory points-of-view and actions?

Let's find out. says:

1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
3. an act or instance of hypocrisy.

So, to answer my question, it does. But I just learned that it doesn't apply to this scenario we're discussing. I will have to do some research and find the/a big fancy word that describes someone who holds two contradictory beliefs. Well...its not limited to two, necessarily...someone who holds a set of contradictory beliefs...or something like that. From what I can tell, hypocricy is simply a lie...saying you believe something you don't.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Waiting for the first pitch

So I have this relationship...this long-distance relationship...this deep and ever deepening relationship with an incredible woman (side note: although I'm a month from turning 29, which is 13 months from being 30...ugh...I still find it interesting how my first instinct is to refere to a female as a girl unless she's close to being as old as my parents or older){side side note: I'm ADD and it will if quick subject changes and frequent side notes are annoying to you...tough shyte...leave}...back to my incredible woman who stimulates me, encourages me, challenges me, cares for me, makes me laugh...all that gooey ishy vomity stuff that a woman should make a man feel. I can't wait to meet her.

So The Carter and The Nightstick are going out this weekend. It won't be a true contest because Mini-Carter will be with us...we're either going to the Stars game or the Rangers game. But after, well...the little one gets to go to his grandparents' and on. So stay tuned the much anticipated first episode of The Carter vs The Nightstick.

Its lunchtime and my grandmother tells me I'm too I'm gonna go eat.

Remember...if the pitcher tries to brush you off the plate, you can always charge the mound...just don't be an idiot and let the pitcher get you in a headlock...spit in his eyes first...then he can't see...and you can't hit what you can't see.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I'm not that funny

I really have no reason to be starting this other than to follow the crowd. I'm a mindless drone who likes to go with the flow, ride the wave, do the dew, obey my thirst, and just do it. But maybe I'll have some fun...and maybe you'll get a chuckle or two...or a migrain from the stupidity I exhibit. Stupidity such as the adventures of The Carter vs. The Nightstick (kind of like Spy vs Spy) or Mumble On (to the rhythm of Led Zeppelin's Ramble On) or the accounts of my daily activities from my water bottle's point-of-view. maybe I'm not really going to actuallize any of these ideas...mainly because they're stupid.