Monday, May 14, 2007

I Don't Have An Alien-Shaped Head

So I shaved my head a week ago...its not the first time. I can pull it off. But this is the first time I was told that I didn't have an alien-shaped head. I would think that even a full head of hair would have a hard time concealing an alien-shaped head. So it came as no surprise to me that I did not have one. It came as a surprise that this person felt it necessary to point it out.

I am sexy enough for a gay man. The girl I went to the club with said that the bartender, as well as one of the guys in her group of friends (which she used the descriptive term of "hot" for both), were hitting on me. I have a hard time telling when chicks are hitting on me, so it comes to no surprise that I didn't see it. But I've been told I'm sexy enough for hot gay men. Yee-mutha-fukin-haw!

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