Monday, June 18, 2007

What happens in a month

Some people find new work...but not me. We are on a hiring freeze and so I cannot get promoted because they would not be able to replace me. That sucks. And I can't find a new job because I'm damned determined to stay here long enough to get vested...I mean...c' stupid would it be to give up all that free money? So I will stick it out…unless some incredible opportunity that pays a hell of a lot more comes along in the meantime.

The improbable turns to impossible and Love once again proves that its not enough to make it otherwise.

Revenge sex is not quite as exciting and rewarding as the stories proport…but it was still mighty fun.

Kayaking down the river is very exciting, as is getting hit on by the sexy biker-bar owner in Podunkville.

I may not be rich, but I've learned that life is so much more relaxed and enjoyable when you're in the black. Now if I can just stay focused enough to make sure that no matter what twists come my way, I can remain in the black. Finances are much easier when I just see them as math and organizational problems instead of, well…money.

I still kick-ass at pool.

I have earned my calluses back. I didn't realize how soft my fingertips had gotten until I decided to enter this guitar competition and by consequence spend 2 hours a night practicing. I don't want to win…I just want to play in front of a crowd again.

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